
I wander'd lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;

Two trees

A simple landscape with two trees, grass and sky.sharejs.com

Sepia toning

Using sepia toning to give a misty effect.sharejs.com

Five trees

Five trees in a line against a blue sky.

More sepia toning

Sepia toning to highlight the misty morning.

Tall trees

A vertical shot to emphasise the height of the trees. Converted to greyscale.

Barren landscape

A shot of the moors with trees to break up the plain landscape.

The hill

Trees arranged on the crest of the hill.

Blue sky and water

A vertical shot to show the clear blue sky.

Walk in the park

Autumn colours starting to appear on the trees.

Bare trees

A winter scene with bare branches.

Not a tree in sight

Just to break up the tree images this one is the lady in the red mask.

Desert island

A relaxing scene with simple lines and glorious colours.

Woodland path

A walk down country lanes.

A tree in the hand

Planting a new tree to help the environment.

Unusual trees

Strange upside down trees.

Tree trunks

Silver bark against a golden background.

The palm tree

A palm tree reaching out into the sea.


Tired of trees? then we finish on a couple of lovely butterflies.