jQuery Tooltip Plugin Demo by http://www.mb5u.com

Three elements with tooltips, default settings Link to google


$('#set1 *').tooltip();
Using bodyHandler to display footnotes in the tooltip Some text referring to a footnote.

And here is the actual footnote, complete with nested HTML.


$("#foottip a").tooltip({
	bodyHandler: function() {
		return $($(this).attr("href")).html();
	showURL: false
An image with a tooltip


	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	bodyHandler: function() {
		return $("<img/>").attr("src", this.src);
Blocking tooltips
The next four links have no delay with tracking and fading, with extra content:


$('#yahoo a').tooltip({
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	showBody: " - ",
	fade: 250
Tooltips with extra classes. Useful for different tooltip styles on a single page. Note how the one on the right gets a different background image when at the right viewport border.
A fancy tooltip, now with some custom positioning. A fancy tooltip, now with some custom positioning.

And now, for the fancy stuff, a tooltip with an extra class for nice shadows, and some extra content


$("#fancy, #fancy2").tooltip({
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	opacity: 1,
	fixPNG: true,
	showBody: " - ",
	extraClass: "pretty fancy",
	top: -15,
	left: 5

	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	showBody: " - ",
	extraClass: "pretty",
	fixPNG: true,
	opacity: 0.95,
	left: -120
Image map with tooltips. Koblenz Wiesbaden Mainz Frankfurt Mannheim Heidelberg Würzburg Bamberg Nürnberg Karlsruhe Heilbronn Stuttgart Ulm Augsburg Baden


$("map *").tooltip({ positionLeft: true });
Testing repositioning at viewport borders

Tooltip width auto width
Google me!
Google me!


$('#right a').tooltip({
	track: true,
	delay: 0,
	showURL: false,
	extraClass: "right"
$('#right2 a').tooltip({ showURL: false, positionLeft: true });