
The CSS padding properties define the space between the element border and the element content.

设置左填充 Set the left padding
This example demonstrates how to set the left padding of a tablecell.
Examples 实例:
代码调试框 [www.mb5u.com]

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设置右填充 Set the right padding
This example demonstrates how to set the right padding of a tablecell.
Examples 实例:
代码调试框 [www.mb5u.com]

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设置上填充 Set the top padding
This example demonstrates how to set the top padding of a tablecell.
Examples 实例:
代码调试框 [www.mb5u.com]

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设置底部填充 Set the bottom padding
This example demonstrates how to set the bottom padding of a tablecell.
Examples 实例:
代码调试框 [www.mb5u.com]

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快速设置所有填充属性 All the padding properties in one declaration
This example demonstrates a shorthand property for setting all of the padding properties in one declaration, can have from one to four values.
Examples 实例:
代码调试框 [www.mb5u.com]

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The CSS padding properties define the space between the element border and the element content. Negative values are not allowed. The top, right, bottom, and left padding can be changed independently using separate properties. A shorthand padding property is also created to control multiple sides at once.
