


  当“Table禁止用于布局”逐步写进各大公司的网页制作规范的时候,当CSS Div模式已经成为行业标准的时候,当开发的产品要适应不同浏览器的时候,我们逐步发现,行业技术在不断地细化,网页的设计与制作之间的关系,不仅超越了技术本身,而且还逐步引入感官体验、易用性,甚至交互设计等元素。由此可见这种直接给予用户第一感受的载体——网页,是多么的重要。博文视点CSS三剑客正是迎着新一轮互联网的大潮,为广大Web开发者提供的一个“兵器谱”:实战之剑,从入门到精通循序渐进;务实之剑,囊括了上百个精巧的案例;技巧之剑,包含丰富的CSS使用技巧和作者经验,想要成为CSS顶尖专家,“一本都不能少”。

  任何人想要从一些顶尖的Web设计师那里学习技术,进一步丰富自己的CSS知识和经验, 这就是本非常棒的书,一本必须购买的书。----- Frank Stepanski(亚马逊)

Book Description

  Pro CSS Techniques is the ultimate CSS book for the modern web developer. If you've already got web design and development basics under your belt, but want to take your knowledge to the next level and unleash the full power of CSS in your web sites, then this is the book for you. It is a collection of proven CSS techniques that you can use daily to get the most out of the time you spend on your projects, from start to finish.

  Every topic is presented in an informative tutorial style, with each point backed up by several real-world examples and case studies. The authors cover all the essential areas of CSS development, like browser support (including IE7), hacks and filters, code management, advanced layouts and styling, typography, and much more. CSS levels 1, 2, and 3 are given a full treatment. The book also includes several reference sections that allow you to look up details quickly and easily.

  The book aims to help you in four areas: maintainability, compatibility, reusability, and practicality. You'll be able to keep your code organized and easy to maintain, avoiding browser issues before they crop up (or hacking around them when absolutely necessary). You'll learn to get the most out of your styles with inheritance, and by using techniques you can build on. And you'll learn to use what works in the real world, without getting too caught up in ideals, because you can always optimize later.
